Thursday 26 April 2012

Making Mary beautiful one last time

David called on Thursday to request an appointment for his mother Mary who was in pallative care in his home. He wanted to get her a haircut to make her feel better. I offered Monday and he said that he'd rather not wait that long, so I came two days later on Saturday morning at 9:00.
I was nervous, not sure how I would react to the sadness I was already feeling towards a woman I had never known. To know that you are giving someone a haircut for the last time in their life is terribly sad. Early Saturday morning I went to the gym to clear my mind, to charge my energy and strength ... to prepare.
When I arrived, David met me at the door with a cheery spirit and a light heartedness and all my fears fell away. He was a funny guy, the kind of person everyone likes to be around.
He led me into the room where Mary was sitting. She smiled, she had those eyes that danced and although she was frail, I would not have known she was near death.
I washed her hair, massaged her head and then gave her a lovely pixie cut. David chatted away, keeping the air light. When I finished her hair, David walked over and kissed his mother and told her that she looked beautiful. She was lucky to have him.
Before I left I gave Mary a lollipop and a hug. She smiled and I knew she felt as good as she possibly could.
Two weeks passed and I received an email from David and this is what it said

Hi Kimberly
Sorry it has taken me so long to get back to you.
Mom passed away the next Monday after your hair visit.
" I can't tell you enough how great I feel" mom said after you left.
I really appreciate how you made her feel and laugh. She said it was an awesome hair cut.
Thanks again

Sad things can also be beautiful!